So now we've found the problems and challenges in your business—areas where your teams are not performing as well as they could be.
So how do we fix them?
The answer can be product-related (meaning customers are getting "stuck" on a certain feature or benefit) and this can be fixed on the product side. But more often the answer lies in training and development—developing your your people to be better and more productive. Compliance training can be a key part of the mix too.
Our training offering falls into three categories:
Short online "microlearning" modules (on-demand)
Longer-format blended learning
In depth leadership programmes for supervisors and managers

Screenshot from a short-format 'microlearning' online module.
1. Short-format online "microlearning"
The backbone of our offering in this area are short "microlearning" modules (video-based online experiences) that deliver on-demand learning on key topics on an "as needed" basis.
Topics can be soft-skills based (e.g. how to lead a customer through a sales process) or based around product features or compliance issues—the platform can identify the need.
2. Longer-format blended learning
We are also specialists in the delivery of longer-format blended learning.
Our longer-format programs blend the very best in live (virtual) and online (asynchronous) delivery. This 3-minute video explains our program architecture. We call this diagram our Subway Map, where each colored line represents a journey through the program. Click/tap below to launch the video.
Momentum continues following the program: the design of our programs emphasizes the need for on-going impact. There's no point in a "set-and-forget" intervention: measurable change and long-term, sustainable improvement must be the result.
To achieve this we put in place the infrastructure for a sustainable, peer-led coaching culture alongside online learning that is centered on the learners' needs. Online and mobile platforms offer refresher ("microlearning") content that can be continually updated, as well as performance support at point of need.

Not all our round-table sessions are as relaxed and happy as this—but many of them are!
In parallel with online support, the peer-led coaching culture is typically supported and embedded through two "light-touch" approaches: special "office hours" sessions (we call these "DOJOs") and Learning Circles which are led internally by managers themselves. These specially-designed components of the program achieve two key goals:
With the DOJO format, at scheduled times (also called "office hours") participants can attend an open-agenda session with an expert facilitator to raise any issue whatsoever (including requesting role-play practice). In this way the program can dynamically flex to specific needs and requirements of learners as they emerge—sessions can cover any relevant topic that participants wish to raise.
With Learning Circles we achieve a skills transfer whereby selected Circle Leaders within your organization are coached and scaffolded by our facilitators as they learn to conduct on-going workshops around leadership topics. This helps to build capability within your organization, and sustain on-going impact long after the conclusion of the formal phase of the program.
And finally...workbooks and study guides
Last but not least, all our programs are accompanied with detailed workbooks and study guides. These can be digital-only (in interactive PDF format) or they can be printed up and distributed to participants.
Whether digital or hard-copy, workbooks offer participants structured opportunities for "journalling" and recording reflections on all aspects of their individual development. Specific actions and intentions will also be recorded, and each participant can assess progress against these commitments.
The slides below showcase selected pages from interactive workbooks / participant guides. Please not that all program collateral will reflect the brand identity of your company and /or program.

3. In-depth leadership programmes
Our learning and development team, led by Craig Laviano (CLO), is deeply experienced in helping develop high quality leaders and managers. For an in-depth description of our world-class services in this area, please see the dedicated page: Leadership Programmes.